Quality Chiros

Brand Strategy, Webflow Development, Content Creation


This case study presents the strategic development and launch of the “Quality Chiros” website, an initiative by Chiropractic Solutions, a small chiropractic clinic in Harrisonburg. The project aimed to enhance the clinic's online presence by integrating with the existing SimplePractice booking system, underpinned by a comprehensive brand strategy to boost patient engagement and acquisition.

Brand Strategy
Social Media Management
Web Design
Webflow Development


Quality Chiros sought to enhance their digital presence with a website that seamlessly integrates with SimplePractice, their existing online appointment booking system. Recognizing the need for a broader digital strategy, the project expanded to include a complete brand overhaul.


The primary challenge was to create a website that not only integrated with SimplePractice but also encapsulated the clinic’s unique brand identity. Additionally, establishing a strong online presence to effectively attract and retain patients was a key objective.


A deep-dive into brand strategy was conducted, resulting in a clear definition of Chiropractic Solutions' brand attributes, target audience, and tone. This informed the creation of a stylescape, which guided the design of the “Quality Chiros” website, social media content, and other branded materials.


The new CMS website was designed to align with Quality Chiros' brand identity and to smoothly integrate with SimplePractice. The focus was on creating a user-friendly interface that would direct patients to the booking system efficiently. Simultaneously, an organic growth strategy centered around SEO was implemented to boost online visibility and patient acquisition.


The integration of SimplePractice with the new website streamlined the patient booking experience, enhancing user satisfaction. The SEO-focused approach significantly increased the clinic's online presence, leading to a growth in yearly users to 3.9K and establishing organic search as the primary method for patient acquisition.


The digital strategy for Quality Chiros successfully integrated an existing booking system into a new, brand-aligned website. This not only improved the functionality and user experience but also established a solid online presence, paving the way for further growth and enhanced patient engagement in the digital realm.